Lorenzo Massage
Professional Massage Therapy

About Me

Two decades ago, I went on a spiritual journey, traveling alone around the world for one year. After meditating at spiritual places with strong energy fields, such as Peak Kailesh in Tibet, Ayers Rock in Australia, Machu Picchu in Peru, Pyramid of Cheops in Egypt, and Table Mountain in South Africa, it profoundly changed my life. I wrote about my experiences in STORM IN MY SOUL upon returning home. Subsequently, I switched my career to focus on supporting the under-served in local communities by managing several corporate foundations. And that work led me to the next stage of my life of healing people through the touch of massage.

As a licensed massage therapist, I combine Swedish and deep tissue massage with light body stretching to alleviate muscle tension and fatigue. My therapeutic and relaxing touch will relieve tense spots from pain and stress, leaving you feeling renewed and revitalized.